Greens Staff

Colin started working at the Club in December 1990. He then took over the Head Greenkeepers position in October 1999, going on to become the Course Manager in 2014.

Colin is a single handicap golfer and a full member of the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA).

- Colin Powrie, Course Manager -

Jack joined the team here at Ladybank in January 2019 having moved from Stirling GC.

He works hard to execute the instruction from Colin and Mike so that the golf course is maintained to the highest standard.

Jack is a keen golfer who plays in medals regularly.

- Jack Moffat, Greenkeeper -

Ben started with Ladybank in April 2020 on placement to complete his NC in Greenkeeping. On completion, Ben attended an award ceremony where he received student of the year in NC Greenkeeping.

He was then to be offered a trainee Greenkeeper post with Ladybank starting in October.

- Ben Erskine, Greenkeeper -

Neil started at Ladybank Golf Course in 2001, he has his NC in Greenkeeping and his HNC in Golf Course Management.

In his spare time he practices Taekwondo and is a Black belt. In 2019 he was part of the Scotland squad which competed at the British championships in Kidderminster.

- Neil Cross, Greenkeeper -

Graeme joined Ladybank in 2011 after working as a seasonal at Drumoig Golf Course and attending Elmwood College. During his time at Ladybank he has completed his Level 2 & Level 3 in Greenkeeping.

In his spare time he likes to play golf and football.

- Graeme Marnie, Greenkeeper -

Bruce started here at Ladybank in 2010 and he has worked hard and achieved his SVQ Level 3 in Greenkeeping.

He is motivated to keep the course maintained to an excellent standard so it always looks its best.

He is a keen golfer and enjoys playing the course in his spare time.

- Bruce Todd, Greenkeeper -
- Drew Grant, Handyman -

Mike joined the team at Ladybank in November 2018 having spent the previous 16 years as Head Greenkeeper at Kirkcaldy GC. He works closely with Colin in ensuring the smooth running of the golf course maintenance.

Mike is a keen golfer and is a former club champion at Kirkcaldy Golf Club.

- Mike Ewan, Depute Course Manager -

Lewis started with Ladybank Golf Club in April 2019 on a 6 week placement to complete the final part of NC in Greenkeeping.

After the 6 weeks he was offered to stay on until September, then was offered a full time trainee post which he was ecstatic.

In his spare time Lewis loves playing football.

- Lewis Goodwin, Greenkeeper -